
















简   历:

凌明星,198110月生,汉族,中共党员,博士,东华理工大学地球科学学院/核资源与环境国家重点实验室教授、博士生导师。担任中国矿物岩石地球化学学会微束分析测试专业委员会委员、Solid Earth Sciences期刊副主编、Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaInternational Geology Review期刊客座编辑。入选江西省引进高层次人才、江西省“双千计划”创新领军人才、江西省青年井冈学者、中国科学院青年创新促进会会员、广东特支计划科技创新青年拔尖人才和广东省自然科学基金杰出青年等省部级人才计划。主要从事核资源与环境、稀土稀有金属成矿、板块俯冲与成矿作用、金属同位素技术研发及地学应用、重大地质事件高精度定年等方面的研究工作。先后主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划等项目17项(总经费1300余万元)。在Economic GeologyJournal of PetrologyAmerican MineralogistGSA BulletinScientific ReportsChemical GeologyTectonophysicsOre Geology ReviewsLithos等国内外主流学术期刊上发表学术论文120余篇,其中第一作者/通讯作者论文43篇,包括国际SCI期刊论文32篇,国内SCIEI和核心期刊论文11篇。所有论文总引6400余次,单篇最高引用528次(Google Scholar)。4篇论文入选ISI高被引论文,形成“中国东部白垩纪洋脊俯冲与成矿”等多个ESI研究前沿。部分成果入选《国家自然科学基金资助项目优秀成果选编》。



·2007/09 - 2010/07,中国科学院广州地球化学研究所,地球化学,博士。

·2004/09 - 2007/07,中国科学技术大学,地球化学,硕士。

·2000/09 - 2004/07,中国科学技术大学,地球化学,本科。



期间:2022/02 - 2024/02,瑞昌市人民政府副市长(挂职)

·2017/06 - 2017/08,澳大利亚国立大学,地球科学研究院,高级访问学者

·2017/01 - 2019/11,中国科学院广州地球化学研究所,同位素地球化学国家重点实验室,特任研究员

·2016/08 - 2019/09,中国科学院广州地球化学研究所,同位素地球化学国家重点实验室,党支部书记

·2016/08 - 2016/09,美国华盛顿大学,地球和空间科学系,高级访问学者

·2015/04 - 2015/07,美国华盛顿大学,地球和空间科学系,高级访问学者

·2014/02 - 2014/05,澳大利亚国立大学,地球科学研究院,高级研究学者

·2012/09 - 2017/01,中国科学院广州地球化学研究所,同位素地球化学国家重点实验室,副研究员

·2010/10 - 2011/04,美国阿肯色大学,地球科学系,访问学者

·2010/07 - 2012/09,中国科学院广州地球化学研究所,同位素地球化学国家重点实验室,助理研究员





















留学生课程:《Advanced Geochemistry


1. 国家重点研发计划项目,2023/10-2027/9,75万,在研,主持。

2. 中国铀业有限公司-东华理工大学核资源与环境国家重点实验室联合创新基金项目,2022/7-2024/1230万,在研,主持。

3. 国家重点研发计划项目,2021/12-2026/11100万,在研,主持。

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2022/1-2025/1261万,在研,主持。

5. 江西省“双千计划”创新领军人才项目,2020/1-2022/12100万,在研,主持。

6. 东华理工大学高层次人才启动基金,2020/1-2024/1280万,在研,主持。

7. 核资源与环境国家重点实验室自主基金重点项目,2021/1-2022/1210万,已结题,主持。

8. 国家重点研发计划项目,2017/7-2021/6142万,已结题,主持。

9. 国家重点研发计划项目,2016/7-2020/12180万,已结题,主持。

10. 中国科学院青年创新促进会,2016/1-2019/1270万,已结题,主持。

11. 广东特支计划”科技创新青年拔尖人才项目,2016/6-2019/530万,已结题,主持。

12. 广东省自然科学基金杰出青年项目,2015/1-2019/1100万,已结题,主持。

13. 中陕核工业集团公司,2016/1-2017/12250万,已结题,主持。

14. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,2012/1-2014/1225万,已结题,主持。

15. 同位素地球化学国家重点实验室优秀青年人才基金,2012/1-2016/1260万,已结题,主持。

16. 同位素地球化学国家重点实验室技术研发基金,2014/1-2015/1230万,已结题,主持。


1. Xue, S., Ling, M.X.*, 2024. Shallow mantle cycle of subducted sedimentary limestone indicated by carbonate xenoliths. GSA Bulletin, doi:10.1130/B37342.1.

2. Gong, Q., Ling, M.X.*, Zheng W., 2024. Applications of mercury stable isotopes for tracing volcanism in the geologic record. Science China-Earth Sciences, doi: 10.1007/s11430-023-1236-8.

3. Zhang, W.Z., Xue, S., Ling, M.X.*, Ding X., 2024. Systematic study of high field strength elements during liquid immiscibility between carbonatitic melt and silicate melt. American Mineralogist, doi: 10.2138/am-2023-9093.

4. Chen, T.C., Ling, M.X.*, Liu, Y.L., Jiang, X.Y., Wei, Y. and Chen, J.J., 2024. Origin of the Permian high silica A-type granites in Halajun, South Tienshan, NW China: Implications for crystal-liquid segregation and rare metal fertilization. Lithos, 468-469: 107490.

5. Wei, Y., Ling, M.X. *, Zhang, H., Liu, Y.L. and Yang, X.Y., 2023. Zircon Hf isotopic compositions of the basement gneiss in Bayan Obo: Constraints on crustal evolution of the Yinshan Block in the North China Craton. Solid Earth Sciences, 8(4): 255-266.

6. Xue, S., Zhang, W., Ling, M.X.*, Sun, W. and Ding, X., 2023. Large-Scale Cretaceous Adakitic Magmatism Induced by Water-Fluxed Melting of Continental Crust during the North China Craton Destruction. Journal of Petrology, 64(9): 1-15.

7. Chen, T.C., Ling, M.X.*, Liu, Y.L., Wei, Y., Cheng, X.H., Jiang, X.Y., Xue, S., Luo, Z.B. and Bai, J.H., 2023. Zircon U-Pb geochronology, Hf-O isotopes and whole-rock geochemistry of A-type granitoids in Halajun, South Tienshan, NW China: Implications for subdivision, petrogenesis and tectonic settings. Lithos, 456-457: 107333.

8. Liu, F., Ling, M.X.*, Zhang, Z., Lu, W., Xu, J., Li, X., Yang, D., Wu, J. and Yang, H., 2023. Stable cerium isotope analysis of geological materials by MC-ICP-MS. Chemical Geology, 637: 121664.

9. Zhang, Z.K., Ling, M.X.*, Zhang, L.P., Sun, S.J. and Sun, W., 2022. Pluton incremental growth by multi-stage magma pulsations: Evidence from the Fangshan pluton, North China Craton. Tectonophysics, 838: 229480.

10. Jiang, Z.H., Ding, X., Song, M.S. and Ling, M.X.*, 2022. Thermodiffusion of major and trace elements in dried aluminosilicate glass. Ceramics International, 48(19, Part A): 28404-28412.

11. Bai, J., Ling, M.X.*, Yang, X., Liu, F., Gu, H., Luo, Z., Jiang, X. and Zhang, Z., 2022. Yangshan A-Type Granites in the Lower Yangtze River Belt Formed by Ridge Subduction: Radiogenic Ca and Nd Isotopic Constraints. Journal of Earth Science, 33(3): 581-590.

12. Wang, W., Song, C.Z., Li, H.L., Li, J.H., Li, Z.W., Yuan, F., Ling, M.X.*, 2022.Transformation between the Dabie Orogenic Belt and the Tan-Lu Fault Zone: insights from ENE-NE-trending gneiss belts at the tectonic node. Solid Earth Sciences. 7: 38–49.

13. Zhang, Z.K., Ling, M.X.*, Lin, W., Sun, M. and Sun, W., 2020. “Yanshanian Movement” induced by the westward subduction of the paleo–Pacific plate. Solid Earth Sciences, 5(2): 103-114.

14. Xue, S., Ling, M.X.*, Liu, Y.L., Kang, Q.Q., Huang, R.F., Zhang, Z.K. and Sun, W., 2020. The formation of the giant Huayangchuan U-Nb deposit associated with carbonatite in the Qingling Orogenic Belt. Ore Geology Reviews, 122: 103498.

15. Zhang, Z.K., Ling, M.X.*, Zhang, L.P., Sun, S.J. and Sun, W., 2020. High oxygen fugacity magma: Implication for the destruction of the North China Craton. Acta Geochimica, 39(2): 161-171.

16. Ling, M.X., Zhan, R.B., Wang, G.X., Wang, Y., Amelin, Y., Tang, P., Liu, J.B., Jin, J., Huang, B., Wu, R.C., Xue, S., Fu, B., Bennett, V.C., Wei, X., Luan, X.C., Chen, Q., Finnegan, S., Harper, D.A.T. and Rong, J.Y., 2019. An extremely brief end Ordovician mass extinction linked to abrupt onset of glaciation. Solid Earth Sciences, 4(4): 190-198.

17. Wu, K., Ling, M.X.*, Hu, Y.B., Guo, J., Jiang, X.Y., Sun, S.J., Liang, H.Y., Liu, X. and Sun, W.D., 2018. Melt-Fluxed Melting of the Heterogeneously Mixed Lower Arc Crust: A Case Study from the Qinling Orogenic Belt, Central China. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 19(6): 1767-1788.

18. Guo, J., Zhang, R., Sun, W., Ling, M.X.*, Hu, Y., Wu, K., Luo, M. and Zhang, L., 2018. Genesis of tin-dominant polymetallic deposits in the Dachang district, South China: Insights from cassiterite U–Pb ages and trace element compositions. Ore Geology Reviews, 95: 863-879.

19. Xue, S., Xu, Y., Ling, M.X.*, Kang, Q.Q., Jiang, X-Y., Sun, S.J., Wu, K., Zhang, Z.K., Luo, Z.B., Liu, Y.L. and Sun, W., 2018. Geochemical constraints on genesis of Paleoproterozoic A-type granite in the south margin of North China Craton. Lithos, 304-307: 489-500.

20. Wu, K., Ding, X., Ling, M.X.*, Sun, W.D., Zhang, L.P., Hu, Y.B. and Huang, R.F., 2018. Origins of two types of serpentinites from the Qinling orogenic belt, central China and associated fluid/melt-rock interactions. Lithos, 302-303: 50-64.

21. Liu, Y.L., Ling, M.X.*, Williams, I.S., Yang, X.Y., Wang, C.Y. and Sun, W., 2018. The formation of the giant Bayan Obo REE-Nb-Fe deposit, North China, Mesoproterozoic carbonatite and overprinted Paleozoic dolomitization. Ore Geology Reviews, 92: 73-83.

22. Xue, S., Ling, M.X.*, Liu, Y.L. and Sun, W., 2018. Recycling of subducted carbonates: Formation of the Taohuala Mountain carbonatite, North China Craton. Chemical Geology, 478: 89-101.

23. Luo, Z.B., Xue, S., Zhang, L.P., Li, H., Li, C.Y., Zhang, H., Liu, Y.L., Ling, M.X.* and Sun, W., 2018. Origin of Early Cretaceous Guandian adakitic pluton in central eastern China: partial melting of delaminated lower continental crust triggered by ridge subduction. International Geology Review, 60(11-14): 1707-1720.

24. Wu, K., Ling, M.X.*, Sun, W., Guo, J. and Zhang, C.C., 2017. Major transition of continental basalts in the Early Cretaceous: Implications for the destruction of the North China Craton. Chemical Geology, 470: 93-106.

25. Xue, S., Ling, M.X.*, Liu, Y.L., Zhang, H. and Sun, W., 2017. The genesis of early Carboniferous adakitic rocks at the southern margin of the Alxa Block, North China. Lithos, 278–281, 181-194.

26. Ling, M.X., Zhang, H., Li, H., Liu, Y.L., Liu, J., Li, L.Q., Li, C.Y., Yang, X.Y. and Sun, W., 2014. The Permian–Triassic granitoids in Bayan Obo, North China Craton: A geochemical and geochronological study. Lithos, 190–191: 430-439.

27. Ling, M.X., Liu, Y., Zhang, H. and Sun, W., 2014. Sample preparation and X-ray fluorescence analysis of sulfide ores. Analytical Letters, 47(9): 1598-1605.

28. Ling, M.X., Liu, Y.L., Williams, I.S., Teng, F.Z., Yang, X.Y., Ding, X., Wei, G.J., Xie, L.H., Deng, W.F., Fan, W.M. and Sun, W.D., 2013. Formation of the world's largest REE deposit through protracted fluxing of carbonatite by subduction-derived fluids. Scientific Reports, 3, 1776, doi:10.1038/srep01776.

29. Ling, M.X., Li, Y., Ding, X., Teng, F.Z., Yang, X.Y., Fan, W.M., Xu, Y.G. and Sun, W., 2013. Destruction of the North China Craton Induced by Ridge Subductions. Journal of Geology, 121(2): 197-213.

30. Ling, M.X., Sedaghatpour, F., Teng, F.Z., Hays, P.D., Strauss, J. and Sun, W., 2011. Homogeneous magnesium isotopic composition of seawater: an excellent geostandard for Mg isotope analysis. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 25(19): 2828-2836.

31. Ling, M.X., Wang, F.Y., Ding, X., Zhou, J.B. and Sun, W.D., 2011. Different origins of adakites from the Dabie Mountains and the Lower Yangtze River Belt, eastern China: Geochemical constraints. International Geology Review, 53(5-6): 727-740.

32. Ling, M.X., Wang, F.Y., Ding, X., Hu, Y.H., Zhou, J.B., Zartman, R.E., Yang, X.Y. and Sun, W.D., 2009. Cretaceous ridge subduction along the Lower Yangtze river belt, eastern China. Economic Geology, 104(2): 303-321.

33. 龚清, 凌明星*, 郑旺, 2024. 汞稳定同位素示踪地质记录中火山活动的应用. 中国科学: 地球科学, doi: 10.1360/N072023-0228.

34. 张婉珠, 凌明星*, 魏颖, 薛硕, 丁兴, 赖峰, 卢文宁, 陈加杰, 成曦晖, 徐建兵, 许德如, 邬斌, 曹俊, 2023. 稀土、铌在碳酸岩–碱性岩体系中的地球化学行为. 大地构造与成矿学, 47(6): 1442-1462.

35. 王国建, 凌明星*, 许德如, 夏菲, 魏颖, 陈加杰, 高成, 薛硕, 2023. 地球深部碳循环与碳酸岩成因研究进展. 大地构造与成矿学, 47(4): 824-838.

36. 万泰安, 陈天楚, 陈加杰, 凌明星*, 夏菲, 许德如, 2022. 宜春414 钽铌矿床的元素富集机理研究. 东华理工大学学报(自然科学版), 45(6): 514-537.

37. 罗泽彬, 凌明星*, 安亚军, 刘芳, 张兆峰, 2021. 钙同位素在高温地质过程中的应用及前景. 地球化学, 50(5): 433-441.  

38. 徐阳, 凌明星*, 薛硕, 刘玉龙, 孙卫东, 2020. 鄂尔多斯盆地双龙地区砂岩型铀矿富集、迁移和成矿机制. 大地构造与成矿学, 44(5): 937-957.

39. 郭佳, 严海波, 凌明星*, 章荣清, 2020. 广西大厂地区黑云母花岗岩中电气石的化学组成及其对岩浆热液演化的指示. 岩石学报: 36(1): 171-183.

40. 詹美珍, 孙卫东, 凌明星*, 李贺, 2015. 黄岩海山链俯冲与吕宋岛斑岩铜金成矿. 岩石学报, 31(7): 2101-2114.

41. 胡永斌, 刘吉强, 胡敬仁, 丁兴, 孙卫东, 刘焰, 凌明星*, 2015. 西藏邦铺钼铜多金属矿床含矿斑岩的地球化学:对成岩源区与成矿机制的启示. 岩石学报, 31(7): 2038-2052.

42. 凌明星, 孙卫东, 刘玉龙, 张红, 杨晓勇, Williams, I.S., Teng, F.Z., 丁兴, 刘健, 李贺, 李聪颖, 2014. 白云鄂博稀土矿床及花岗岩类成因. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 33(1): 125-125.

43.Ling, M.X., Yang, X.Y., Sun, W., Miao, J.Y. and Liu, C.Y., 2006. REE/trace element characteristics of sandstone-type uranium deposits in the Ordos Basin. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 25(4): 355-365.